Electric Vehicle Charging (EV)

A dedicated EV charger makes charging your electric car easy, just come home and plug it in, some EV chargers can be set to use your PV systems excess energy to charge the car rather than exporting it to the grid (Zappi from myenergi), you dont have to have a PV system to have an EV charger, Many chargers (and cars) can be set up to use cheap nightime electricity (depending on your tarrif structure)

The UK has more electric charge points than petrol stations!! download the Zapmap to see all the available charge points near you...


There is an OLEV grant (currently £350) available that can help towards the cost of the EV charge unit & installation. more information here


Low-emission vehicles eligible for a plug-in grant


Current air pollution levels in the uk


An introduction to Electric Vehicle home chargepoints (RECC)

Modes of charging, Types of connectors, AC & DC charging

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